Giuliano Dal Molin “2 Levels” text by C. Seganfreddo – 2004 – 503 Mulino – Vicenza

503 mulino Vicenza


All kinds of haste,

albeit towards what is good,

betrays some mental disorder.


Objects are projections of desire,

images of a battle.

Works of art do not change

based upon who purveys them.

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Giuliano Dal Molin text by C. Seganfreddo – 2001- Rino Costa Gallery- Casale Monferrato (AL)

Rino Costa Gallery Casale Monferrato

A little more buzz, the noise of life enters. It is like the shutters of a room allowing rays of light to penetrate through, when outside it is day but those inside crave the quiet and silence of the dark. You have to let some time pass. Stay crouched down. Recover yourself. Re-enter. And let the kaleidoscopic succession of forms, colours and sounds slip by.
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